Infringement Policy

SocietyVendors.Com portal contains the trademark, logos, trade name, service marks and other marks (collectively "Marks") which are the intellectual property of SocietyVendors.Com or their vendors or respective third parties. You understand that SocietyVendors.Com uses the Marks of vendors and respective third parties procured from the owner and/or distribution channel. In doing so, SocietyVendors.Com has no intention, whatsoever, to acquire rights of use or license to these Marks.

This Infringement policy helps in creating a safer marketplace by prohibiting the use of SocietyVendors.Com portal for infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties or of the rightful owner. SocietyVendors.Com policy requires sellers and buyers or users to comply with all governmental laws and regulations including but not limited to the Infringement policy as amended from time to time.

If you see something on the SocietyVendors.Com portal, which you believe is violating the intellectual property rights, please send an infringement intimation to SocietyVendors.Com at

SocietyVendors.Com will be unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs and the details which are specified below. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time.

How to report a listing

If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers or anyone else on SocietyVendors.Com portal, you may follow the below process and /or seek Legal advice.

We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized representative provide the following details and email to the aforementioned email id.

The email should contain the below information.

Grievance Redressal policy.:

SocietyVendors shall take all necessary steps and/or remove the infringed product/details from its portal within 15 (Fifteen) working days subject to verification of the details as given above and the nature of complaint.

Vendor Registration